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[[Category:Open Homelab Project]]
[[Category:Open Homelab Project]]
== Introduction ==
All the latest news and updates for the site will be posted here and kept for posterity!

== Latest News ==
The news that was here has been removed as it didn't pertain to Project Homelab. All project related news will be posted directly in the forum: https://forums.projecthomelab.org/forumdisplay.php?fid=2
=== Monday 23rd May 2016 ===
[[File:OpenHomelabRegister.png|200px|border|right]]Very proud for the whole team today as we have been featured in an article, on the front page of The Register! We've said it before, and we'll say it again - this site will live or die by the community contributions, no matter how small. So what are you waiting for? [[Get Involved|Get involved!]]
[http://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/05/23/user_group_spawns_home_lab_howto_community/ The Register - User group spawns home lab how-to community]
=== Tuesday 17th May 2016 ===
Thanks to [[User:Andynash99|Andynash99]], the Open Homelab project is now a featured set of challenges on VMware's [http://cloudcredibility.com #CloudCred]! Log in and complete challenges, including points for creating and editing articles, following the project on Twitter, etc
=== Friday 13th May 2016 ===
[[User:Gareth|Gareth]] has been hard at work making sure inbound connections to the site are secure! After some wrestling with [[certificates]] and fixing of a few hard coded paths, the site is now fully SSL enabled, and all HTTP URLs will auto-redirect clients to their HTTPS equivalents. Please report any issues via the [[Open Homelab Bug Tracker]]!
We have had an awesome first 72 hours, with over 5,000 visitors and over 10,000 page views. All we ask now is that if you come to visit, you start to contribute! :)
=== Tuesday 10th May 2016 ===
The site Alpha is now  LIVE! 
We are very pleased to announce that after a month of hard work from the team at the Open Homelab project, we are ready to open the virtual doors of this homelab library, to the public!
We just want to say thank you to all the folk who have been involved in the project to date, and all of those who will do so in the future! Without the vCommunity, the site would not exist!
== News Archive ==
There are currently no archives.

Revision as of 13:36, 21 February 2025

The news that was here has been removed as it didn't pertain to Project Homelab. All project related news will be posted directly in the forum: https://forums.projecthomelab.org/forumdisplay.php?fid=2