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Spacewalk is a great open source project which delivers a Linux systems management solution. According to the project's wiki page, here's what Spacewalk allows you to do:

  • Inventory your systems (hardware and software information)
  • Install and update software on your systems
  • Collect and distribute your custom software packages into manageable groups
  • Provision (Kickstart) your systems
  • Manage and deploy configuration files to your systems
  • Provision virtual guests
  • Start/stop/configure virtual guests

As you it can be seen from the above list, patch management is only a small subset of features available in Spacewalk and it trully is a very versatile tool.

As our homelab grows, manual patch management can become a bit of a nightmare. This is where Spacewalk really comes in handy, making it possible to patch your entire environment in a matter of minutes, at the same time ensuring that all operating systems are patched to the same baseline.



This installation guide assumes that we use Centos 7 to install our Spacewalk server.

First of all, we will need to install the spacewalk-repo package

rpm -Uvh

How to manage your systems with Spacewalk


External Links

Here's some links related to Spacewalk

External Links
Title Description
Spacewalk Wiki Good place to start - Spacewalk Wiki
Homelab blogpost Title B This is a great article about Microservers
Homelab blogpost Title C This article shows you step by step how to blah